Now he may not look quite as young as he did a few years back, but with all the of the things that he is active in, most probably would not think of him as being 75. Last week he started his summer project of attending over 20 parades though out Alberta with the Alberta Beef float. In between the parades he will also take the Alberta Simmental Booth and the Alberta Beef booth to many functions including the 100th Anniversary of the Calgary Stampede. Dad has been a volunteer at the Calgary Stampede for over 40 years.
His interests over the years haven't changed much. These are the things that he loves:
- Family
- Beef
- Kids
- Cats and dogs
- Talking about beef, his grand kids and his cats and dogs
- Volunteering
- Alberta Beef Producers
- Calgary Stampede
- and thinking up his next project.
He certainly is one of a kind. A true diamond in the rough. Growing older is a privilege, growing up is optional. We hope that he keeps being Chuck, Uncle Chuck, that Beef guy or how ever you know him and we hope he never grows up. Happy 75th Birthday Dad and wishing you many, many more.